
Kuleana is a value that has been a part of my life since birth. Kuleana is the value of responsibility. It drives self-motivation and self-reliance. So much that fills my spirit and reinforces my passion to innovate and inspire begins with Kuleana. Anyone can act from this concept which comes from accepting our responsibility with deliberate intent and with diligence.

It is an honor to be able to have this responsibility of sharing my knowledge, stories and philosophy with others.  My hope is that through InZane SUPer Grom clinics, my speaking engagements and school programs – even simply by my example – I might inspire others to truly think about what they are doing, how they are doing it, and to express a gratitude in taking on a responsibility.

Learn more about how a commitment to finding KULEANA in life has affected my life – please enjoy diving into my book, BENEATH THE SURFACE.

When given a task or responsibility, adjust your perspective to include privilege, the task will take on a new meaning and that is KULEANA.

Take some time to figure out,  “what is your KULEANA?” What are you inspired to take on as your responsibility? How are you privileged to have this responsibility? What is your KULEANA?